Finding Peace in Belize

Michelle R
4 min readOct 5, 2021

Life is stressful but the time just before coming to Belize, it was even more challenging. There were so many difficult changes that happened to my husband and I as well as hurdles I never expected or thought I could get through. I felt that I was so busy and occupied that I had no time to break free or mentally rejuvenate, I really wouldn’t even know how.

Flying to Belize, I was busy reviewing readings and annotating, which I thought would be the tone of the whole experience. I was not expecting the natural environment of Belize to influence me as much as it did. I sure was busy with lecture, classwork, and keeping up with my notebook entries but being present in this beautiful place enveloped me. I have such a hard time being present and finding peace but I was forced to be in the moment and was surrounded by constant beauty, I could not escape something I have always been after. I finally experienced inner peace and being in the moment. Anywhere I was, I was in the moment and surrounded by undeniable beauty. Something was always there to make me smile, I did not feel leashed by my phone and the obligations I have when I am at home. From the torrential rain while I slept, to the birds singing around the classroom, admiring the organized hard work of the wee wee ants to the beauty of the reef life; the list is endless.

There were so many memorable experiences, it is hard to choose. I do want to share some specific experiences. The first memorable experience was when we went birding with Peter at the Tropical Education Center. We were near the pond on site when it started raining really hard. A few of us and Peter ran into the closest shelter which was one of the lodges called Yellow Headed Parrot’s Nest and Casa Laguna. We stood in the netted balcony area mesmerized by the rain hitting the surface of the pond. We would constantly search for birds by sight and sound as well as looked for the small crocodile that lived in the pond. There was no sense of time as we had to wait out until the rain passed. We were able to really enjoy the moment, each other’s presence and the natural environment surrounding us. It was absolute peace.

Another memorable experience that I was so thankful to have were the walks from my lodge to the dining commons. The leaves on the ground had such a range of colors and textures. I also looked forward to seeing the progress of the wee wee ants. I even took time during a research assignment to observe their work along the trail, I saw ants predate each other and help each other. But they were always organized and worked hard, it was honestly inspiring. I collected leaves that were dropped by the ants that had evidence of their leaf-cutting. I also collected dried white Mayan leaves and traced their veins through the pages of my notebook. They were parts of the peace in Belize that I could at least collect, keep in my notebook and take back home with me.

Some shorter experiences of peace included sitting on top of the ruins viewing the ancient city and feeling the cool air in the cave during one of our hikes. Peace was everywhere both in long and short experiences.

I am just so thankful for this very much needed retreat during a very tough time in my life. The constantly supportive people around me made all the difference as well, it was such a privilege to be around such positive energy. A final note, the weather here in Los Angeles was that of Belize which is very unusual for us here, a lot of thunder, lightning and showers. It was cool to write about Belize while feeling like I was there again, I miss Belize and that Belize peace.



Michelle R

I am a wildlife rehabber and science teacher who loves writing poetry about life, science and nature. I love to explore, travel and eat good food.